I've made a bit of progress with the VN, though it's already become quite a much bigger project than I thought it was going to be. It's definitely going to be more than 'a few weeks'. Hopefully it won't be more than a couple of months, though, since I don't plan to include as much sexual content (and thereby, rendered animations) as the other one.
I've got all of the major stand-in art done, and I've written up the basic plot outline, the characters and the gameplay system(s) used -- at least, as far as they're possible in Ren'Py. I've also written Part 1 of five, though more parts may be added and most of those are introductory in nature anyway, so there's still quite a lot of writing ahead.
Still, learning the ropes. Who knows how far I'll be in a week or two.
I've got all of the major stand-in art done, and I've written up the basic plot outline, the characters and the gameplay system(s) used -- at least, as far as they're possible in Ren'Py. I've also written Part 1 of five, though more parts may be added and most of those are introductory in nature anyway, so there's still quite a lot of writing ahead.
Still, learning the ropes. Who knows how far I'll be in a week or two.
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