FGAME (working title still) is going to be a relatively short game, with only five or six concise 'acts' that take place throughout. As such, I didn't expect to spend very much time building the skeletal structure of the code, or the plot, or the standin character art.
As usual, I've underestimated the amount of work that actually goes into creating a fucking game, even a fantastically short one. You'd think I'd know better, but no, it's a lesson that just doesn't seem to stick.
Still, some honest-to-god progress has been made. I've learned some of the renpy ropes and have already built the majority of the locations that can be accessed, and the player's means of accessing them. None of the final art of course, which is going to take the longest by far, but... baby steps.
I've also finalized the plot structure, events, etc. and started in on the script in a proper fashion. The first 'act' is done, though I haven't translated it to rpy yet. I expect that to take a fairly small amount of time, though.
Since these are boring without pictures, here's a quick prototype of one of the fairies:
I'd maybe post a screenshot of the script, but I think we all know what an office suite looks like by this point.
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