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OCH update, etc.

I've updated Orval Creep n' Hammer to version 0.95. What's new? Better map icons Cheats (well, just one for now, actually) Tweaked minigame grind Added a way to actually beat the game (lol) Download links ( Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Check the README or the manual for info on the cheats. I've also been poking at FGAME's script, getting it written piece by piece, though there hasn't been much of note going on otherwise.
Recent posts

FGAME, beginnings

FGAME (working title still) is going to be a relatively short game, with only five or six concise 'acts' that take place throughout.  As such, I didn't expect to spend very much time building the skeletal structure of the code, or the plot, or the standin character art. As usual, I've underestimated the amount of work that actually goes into creating a fucking game, even a fantastically short one.  You'd think I'd know better, but no, it's a lesson that just doesn't seem to stick. Still, some honest-to-god progress has been made.  I've learned some of the renpy ropes and have already built the majority of the locations that can be accessed, and the player's means of accessing them.  None of the final art of course, which is going to take the longest by far, but... baby steps. I've also finalized the plot structure, events, etc. and started in on the script in a proper fashion.  The first 'act' is done, though I haven't ...

FGAME, announcements and updates

Hey all.  Been a while. As is my usual flaky nature, I've pretty much abandoned the two games mentioned in the post immediately previous to this one.  That's not to say that I won't ever pick them back up; in fact, I fully intend to develop both of them at some point.  However, for the immediate future, I don't see them getting a lot of my attention. That's a bit of a problem I have, I'll admit.  It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to bother announcing stuff I'm working on unless I've made substantial progress on development.  It's probably for the best that way, but will result in the occasional dry spell unfortunately. On the plus side, I have  actually started up on a new project and made a decent amount of progress on it already.  The basic premise is that it's a game about a dude who has to help (and fuck , of course) a small group of fairies, along with probably a few other women as well. I've already develo...

New games in the works

First thing's first:  I've gone ahead and canceled any plans on bothering with a port for OCH.  Truthfully, I haven't even really started on it, other than just learning the ropes for Unity and making a couple of other small, unrelated Android 'test' games.  I'm about done with OCH, I think, and would rather just move on to other things. Speaking of, there are a couple of old games I've wanted to make for a while and I figured I might as well dust 'em off and get to work on them. Project A  is going to be a simple pseudo-VN developed with Renpy.  What can I say, it seems like a decent engine for this genre.  I'm not going to bother with details on the backstory, plot, etc. just yet, since basically none of the actual game has been developed and I don't want to overpromise on anything. Project B  is a text game, something that I haven't spent as much time developing backstory for as Project A but will probably be finished long before, si...

OCH - Future plans

While I'm mostly done with Orval Creep n' Hammer, there are a few things I wanted to do with it before entirely moving on to other things.  I've got a short list of things that need to be tweaked, but the big issues are technical in nature. First, I'd like to change the way videos are played.  While the current system works , it's not ideal and given the quality of the videos, the file sizes are just too big.  For what it is, the game just weighs too much, you know? Secondly, the Android port.  While I have technically ported an SDL2 project to Android, it was a bit of a process and the project itself was very, very small in scope.  It was basically just C++ with bits of the SDL2 "standard library".  This game, while not tremendously complex, is quite a bit larger in scope than that earlier "test project," so I'm not sure how all of this would play out in an attempt to port to Android. So what are my options? Option A is to simply do ...

WIP 3: Finished and named (Orval Creep n' Hammer)

It took a while, but the game's finally finished. I present to you:   Orval Creep n' Hammer . Alright, so I'm not great with names.  Believe it or not this is the best iteration that myself and three other people could come up with. Features: Stars four women Multiple animated sex scenes Wood paneling There are currently a couple of known issues, both particular to the GNU/Linux version.  Basically, typos that I forgot to correct before uploading the files.  Oops.  😢 It's a simple enough game, give it a download and try it out (approx. 700mb). Links: Game manual (PDF) Win32 Google Drive GNU/Linux x86_64 Google Drive Screenshots Spycam watching Alyson bathe Laptop's store page Madeline doing you a favor l33t She doesn't remember you!?  The insolence.

WIP 3: Very close

I've got most stuff nailed down by this point.  Currently working on 'post-production', i.e., seeing which filters are the best at making my stuff look less crappy. Probably a few more days of this, then a few minor changes to the code, then the last-minute stuff and an initial release.  I'm planning on a simultaneous Linux / Windows release, with Android to come at some point in the future assuming it isn't too much of a pain in the ass to port. Obligatory picture: