First thing's first: I've gone ahead and canceled any plans on bothering with a port for OCH. Truthfully, I haven't even really started on it, other than just learning the ropes for Unity and making a couple of other small, unrelated Android 'test' games. I'm about done with OCH, I think, and would rather just move on to other things. Speaking of, there are a couple of old games I've wanted to make for a while and I figured I might as well dust 'em off and get to work on them. Project A is going to be a simple pseudo-VN developed with Renpy. What can I say, it seems like a decent engine for this genre. I'm not going to bother with details on the backstory, plot, etc. just yet, since basically none of the actual game has been developed and I don't want to overpromise on anything. Project B is a text game, something that I haven't spent as much time developing backstory for as Project A but will probably be finished long before, si...