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Showing posts from January, 2016


Hello, my fine friends.  This blog will be the primary source of updates on any progress made for my porno games.  Obviously, the content will be 'adult' in nature (pornographic), and may very well feature content that is otherwise offensive or 'triggering' to certain individuals (rape, gore, etc.).  No guarantees, it just pretty much depends on what I'm in the mood to make. I've been lazily working on one title for some time now, though progress has been incredibly slow for a number of reasons, not the least of which being simply that I'm lazy.  These games will take a back seat to quite a lot of other things since I don't have any immediate plans to charge money for them; no direct payments, no subscriptions, no Patreon hullabaloo.  While one or more of these may be an option in the future I'm not counting on this being a lucrative enterprise, so any motivation I have to make these is purely that of my own passion / horniness / boredom / whatever...