While I'm mostly done with Orval Creep n' Hammer, there are a few things I wanted to do with it before entirely moving on to other things. I've got a short list of things that need to be tweaked, but the big issues are technical in nature. First, I'd like to change the way videos are played. While the current system works , it's not ideal and given the quality of the videos, the file sizes are just too big. For what it is, the game just weighs too much, you know? Secondly, the Android port. While I have technically ported an SDL2 project to Android, it was a bit of a process and the project itself was very, very small in scope. It was basically just C++ with bits of the SDL2 "standard library". This game, while not tremendously complex, is quite a bit larger in scope than that earlier "test project," so I'm not sure how all of this would play out in an attempt to port to Android. So what are my options? Option A is to simply do ...