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Showing posts from November, 2016

New game - WIP title: pron3

A cursory glance at the post history of this blog should tell you that I haven't been updating the VN very often recently.  Truth be told, I put it on hold a while ago and haven't touched it for months.  I couldn't tell you why exactly, other than to rail off excuses as to why I keep dropping projects that I've become bored or frustrated with. Some of the VN was good, some of it wasn't, and I'm just too lazy to go back and fix what needs fixing at the moment.  I intend to resume progress at some point in the future, but it won't be for another several months at least. Why so long?  Because I started work on yet another title, of course, and I don't want to split my efforts just yet.  This new game started 'production' months ago.  The earliest modification date in its 'docs' folder is September 7th, but I'm almost positive it's been longer than that.  It feels like it's been at least twice that long. I haven't posted...